Joyce C. White, Elizabeth G. Hamilton. 2021. The metal age of Thailand and Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage. Archaeological Research in Asia,Volume 27, 2021, 100305, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2021.100305
White, J. C., Hamilton, E. G. (Eds.), 2018–2021 The Archaeometallurgy of Ban Chiang and Northern Northeast Thailand. 4 volumes, Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Link to Volume 2A.
White, J. C. 2015. Comment on Higham et al. (2015) re: new chronology for northeast Thailand. PLoS ONE 10(9) http://www.plosone.org/annotation/listThread.action?root=87395
White, J., Hamilton, E. 2014. The transmission of early bronze technology to Thailand: New perspectives, In Archaeometallurgy in Global Perspective, edited by B. W. Roberts and C. P. Thornton, Springer, New York, pp. 805-852.
Pietrusewsky, M. and M. T. Douglas. 2002. Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in northeast Thailand I: the human skeletal remains. Thai Archaeology Monograph Series I. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Buy the monograph.
Note: the chapter pdfs do not include the color plates.
2A White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. (Eds.), 2018. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2A: Background to the Study of the Metal Remains, Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2A. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Buy Vol. 2A
Chapter 1. White, J.C. Ban Chiang, northeast Thailand, and the archaeology of prehistoric metallurgy. pdf
Chapter 2. White, J.C. Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang: Summary of excavations and sequences. pdf
Chapter 3 White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. Debunking the conventional paradigm: Metals and prehistoric society. pdf
Chapter 4 White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. The new archaeometallurgy paradigm. pdf
Chapter 5 White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. Metals in economic context. pdf
Chapter 6 Hamilton, E.G. White, J.C. Geomorphology of metal resources in mainland Southeast Asia. pdf
Chapter 7. Hamilton, E.G. Chaînes opératoires and the study of archaeological metals. pdf
2B White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. (Eds.), 2018. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: The Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Pak Top, and Don Klang, Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2B. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Buy Vol. 2B
Chapter 2 Hamilton, E.G. Methods for analysis of the metal artifacts. pdf
Chapter 3 Hamilton, E.G. Classification of metal artifacts. pdf
Chapter 4 Hamilton E.G., Nash, S.K. Technical analyses of metal artifacts: Results. pdf
Chapter 5 Vernon, W.W., White, J.C., and Hamilton, E.G. Metal product manufacturing evidence: crucibles, molds, and slag. pdf
Chapter 6 Hamilton, E.G., White, J.C. Depositional contexts of metals and related production artifacts. pdf
Chapter 7 White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. Life history perspectives on metals and related finds. pdf
2C White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. (Eds.), 2019. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2C: The Metal Remains in Regional Context, Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2C. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Buy Vol. 2C
Chapter 2 Pigott, V.C. Prehistoric copper mining and smelting in Southeast Asia: evidence from Thailand and Laos. pdf
Chapter 3 Pryce, T.O. Lead isotope characterization and provenance of copper-base artifacts from Ban Chiang and Don Klang. pdf
Chapter 4 Hamilton, E.G., White, J. C. The archaeometallurgy of prehistoric northern Northeast Thailand in regional context. pdf
Chapter 5 White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. A regional synthesis of early metal technological systems in prehistoric Northeast and Central Thailand. pdf
Chapter 6 White, J.C. Conclusions: Placing metals in social contexts in prehistoric Thailand. pdf
2D White, J.C., Hamilton, E.G. (Eds.), 2022. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2D: Catalogs of Metals and Related Artifacts, Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2D, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia. Buy Vol. 2D
Reviews of the Metals Monograph
Allard, Francis. 2020. Review of Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, volume 2A: background to the study of the metal remains. Asian Archaeology 4:57-62.
Dardeniz, Gonca. 2022. A new paradigm for the future of archaeometallurgy in Anatolia: review of Thai archaeology monograph series (TAM) (Volumes 2A-2C). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 167:209-214.
Ehrenreich, Robert M. 2022. Review of Ban Chiang, Vols 2A-2C. Journal of Anthropological Research 78(2):227-229.
Halcrow, Siân E. and Nigel Chang. 2021. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, vol. 2C: the metal remains in regional context. Asian Perspectives 60(2):462-464.
Hein, Anke. 2021. Review of Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C. Current Anthropology 62 (5), October 2021.
Higham, C. 2020. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volumes 2A and 2B: A Review Essay. Asian Perspectives 59(1), 208-223.
Higham, C.F.W. 2020. Ban Chiang: The metal remains in regional context: a review essay. Journal of the Siam Society, vol. 108, Pt. 1, pp. 161-194. Review of Vol 2C.
Hoffman, Brett C. 2020. Review of Joyce C. White and Elizabeth G. Hamilton (Editors). 2020. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2C: The Metal Remains in Regional Context. Thai Archaeology Monograph Series 2C. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 8.1 (2020): 1102-1105.
Kanjanajuntorn, Podjanok. 2021. Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2A, 2B,and 2C. Muang Boran Journal 47(3). (In Thai.)
Lerncharnit, Thanik. 2021. Review of Ban Chiang, Vols 2A-2C. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC) 4(2):261–268. (In Thai.)
Lerncharnit, Thanik. 2024. Review of Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2 (2A, 2B, 2C, 2D). SPAFA Journal 8, pp: r1-r4.
Linduff, K.M. 2020. Review of Ban Chiang,Northeast Thailand, Vol. 2B: Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang. Asian Archaeology 4:53-56.
Pfaffenberger, Bryan. 2021. The anthropology of technology and a new paradigm for archaeometallurgical research? Review of volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C. Advances in Archaeomaterials 2:1-3.
Pfaffenberger, Bryan. 2022. Metallurgy in prehistoric heterarchical societies: Reponse to Higham. Advances in Archaeomaterials 3(1): 44.
Van Esterik, Penny. 2020. Ban Chiang’s Contribution to Prehistory; review of Vols 2A-2C. Journal of Asian Studies 79(3):806-811.
Warburton, David. 2019. Ban Chiang, northeast Thailand, volume 2A: background to the study of the metal remains. Antiquity 93(371): 1399-1401.
Welch, David J. 2021. Review Article: Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2: Metals (Vols 2A-2C). The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2021, vol. 52(2): 330-340.
Reviews of the Skeletal Monograph
Oxenham, M. 2004. Review of: “Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in northeast Thailand I: The human skeletal remains.” by Michael Pietrusewsky and Michele Toomay Douglas. Asian Perspectives 43(1):162-167.
Brown, K. A. R. 2003. Review of: “Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in northeast Thailand I: the human skeletal remains.”International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13:390-392.
Higham, C. (2003). Review of “Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in Northeast Thailand I: the human skeletal remains” by Pietrusewsky, M. and M. T. Douglas. Antiquity 77(298):870-872).
Larsen, C. S. (2003). Ban Chiang, A Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand, I: The Human Skeletal Remains. By Pietrusewsky Michael and Douglas Michele Toomay. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 120(2):205-206).
Yamaguchi, B. 2002. Review of: “Ban Chiang, a prehistoric village site in northeast Thailand I: the human skeletal remains.” Anthropological Science 110(4):437-439.
Southeast Asian culture
White, J. C. 2011. Emergence of cultural diversity in mainland Southeast Asia: a view from prehistory, In Dynamics of human diversity: the case of mainland Southeast Asia. Pacific Linguistics, pp. 9-46.
White, J. C. and C. Onsuwan Eyre. 2011. Residential Burial and the Metal Age of Thailand, In Archeological Papers of the American Anthropology Association, Vol. 20, pp. 59-78.
White, J. C. 1995. Incorporating heterarchy into theory on socio-political development: the case from Southeast Asia. In Heterarchy and the analysis of complex societies, edited by R. M. Ehrenreich, C. L. Crumley, and J. E. Levy, pp. 101-123. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 6. Arlington, VA, American Anthropological Association.
White, J. C. 1982. Ban Chiang: discovery of a lost bronze age. The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Philadelphia.
White, J. C. and E. G. Hamilton. 2009. The transmission of early bronze technology to Thailand: new perspectives. Journal of World Prehistory 22:357-397.
White, J. C. 2008. Dating early bronze at Ban Chiang, Thailand. In From Homo erectus to the living traditions: Choice of papers from the 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Bougon, 25th-29th September 2006, edited by J.-P. Pautreau, A.-S. Coupey, V. Zeitoun, and E. Rambault, pp. 91-104. The 11th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Chiang Mai.
Vernon, W. W. 1997. Chronological variation in crucible technology at Ban Chiang: a preliminary assessment. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 16:107-110.
White, J. C. and V. C. Pigott. 1996. From community craft to regional specialization: Intensification of copper production in pre-state Thailand. In Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe, edited by B. Wailes. University Museum Monograph 93, University Museum Symposium series 6, pp. 152-175. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Stech, T. and R. Maddin. 1988. Reflections on early metallurgy in Southeast Asia. In The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys: Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986, edited by R. Maddin, pp. 163-174. MIT Press, London.
White, J. C. 1988. Early East Asian Metallurgy: the Southern Tradition. In The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys: Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986, edited by R. Maddin, pp. 175-181. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Pietrusewsky, M. and M.T. Douglas. 2012. Vulcan: skilled village craftsman of Ban Chiang, Thailand. In: Stodder, A.L.W., A.M. Palkovich, editors. The Bioarchaeology of Individuals. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, pp. 177-192.
King, C. A. 2008. Stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand. BAR International Series 1788. Archaeopress, Oxford.
King, C. A. 2006. Paleodietary change among Pre-State Metal Age societies in Northeast Thailand: A stable isotope approach. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii.
Bentley, R. A., M. Pietrusewsky, M. T. Douglas and T. C. Atkinson. 2005. Matrilocality during the prehistoric transition to agriculture in Thailand? Antiquity 79(306):865-881.
Pietrusewsky, M. and M. T. Douglas. 2002.Intensification of agriculture at Ban Chiang: Is there evidence from the skeletons?
Asian Perspectives 40(2):157-178.
Douglas, M. T. 1997. A preliminary discussion of trauma in the human skeletons from Ban Chang, northeast Thailand. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 16:111-117.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1997. The people of Ban Chiang: an early bronze site in northeast Thailand. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 16:119-147.
Douglas, M. T. 1996. Paleopathology in human skeletal remains from the Pre-Metal, Bronze, and Iron ages, northeastern Thailand. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1994. Report on new fieldwork on Bronze-Age skeletons from Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand. In Jablonski NG, editor. The East Asian Tertiary/Quaternary Newsletter 18:81-82.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1984. Pioneers on the Khorat Plateau: the prehistoric inhabitants of Ban Chiang. Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society 10:90-106.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1978. A study of early metal age crania from Ban Chiang, northeastern Thailand. Journal of Human Evolution 7:383-392. doi:10.1016/S0047-2484(78)80088-8 for abstract.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1974. Neolithic populations of Southeast Asia studied by multivariate craniometric analysis. Neolithic populations of Southeast Asia. pp. 207-230.
Environment and subsistence
White, J. C., D. Penny, L. Kealhofer and B. Maloney. 2004. Vegetation changes from the late Pleistocene through the Holocene from three areas of archaeological significance in Thailand. Quaternary International 113(1):111-132.
White, J. C. 1995. Modeling the development of early rice agriculture: ethnoecological perspectives from northeast Thailand. Asian Perspectives 34:37-68.
White, J. C. 1989. Ethnoecological observations on wild and cultivated rice and yams in northeastern Thailand. In Foraging and Farming: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation, edited by Harris, David R.; Hillman, Gordon C., pp. 152-158. Unwin Hyman, London.
White, J. C. 1988. Ban Chiang and charcoal in hypothetical hindsight. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 8:54-74.
White, J. C. 1982. Prehistoric environment and subsistence in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asia Studies Newsletter No. 9:1-3.
Higham, C. F. W. and A. Kijngam. 1979. Ban Chiang and northeast Thailand: the palaeoenvironment and economy. Journal of Archaeological Science 6(3):211-233.
White, J. C. and W. Henderson. 2003. Pottery anatomy: review and selection of basic nomenclature as a step toward a searchable rim form database for the Sakon Nakhon Basin. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 23:35-49.
White, J. C., W. W. Vernon, S. J. Fleming, W. D. Glanzman, R. G. V. Hancock and A. Pelcin. 1991. Preliminary cultural implications from initial studies of the ceramic technology at Ban Chiang. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 11:188-203.
McGovern, P. E. 1986. Ancient ceramic technology and stylistic change: contrasting studies from Southwest and Southeast Asia. In Technology and Style, edited by W. D. Kingery, pp. 33-52. Ceramics and Civilization. vol. 1: Ancient Technology to Modern Science. American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio.
McGovern, P. E., W. W. Vernon and J. C. White. 1985. Ceramic technology at prehistoric Ban Chiang, Thailand: physiochemical analyses. MASCA Journal 3(4):104-113.
Glanzman, W. D. and S. J. Fleming. 1985. Ceramic technology at prehistoric Ban Chiang, Thailand: fabrication methods. MASCA Journal 3(4):114-121. MASCA Journal 3(5):164-169.
Carriveau, G. W. and G. Harbottle. 1983. Ban Chiang pottery: thermoluminescence dating problems. Antiquity 57(219):56-58.
White, J. C. and C. F. Gorman. 2004. Patterns in “amorphous” industries: the Hoabinian viewed through a lithic reduction sequence. In Southeast Asian Archaeology: Wilhelm G. Solheim II Festschrift, edited by V. Paz, pp. 411-441. The University of the Philippines Press, Quezon City.
White, J. C. 1997. A brief note on new dates for the Ban Chiang cultural tradition. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 16:103-106.
White, J. C and B. Bronson. 1992. Radiocarbon and chronology in Southeast Asia. In Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 3rd ed., edited by R. Ehrich, Vol. 1: pp. 491-503, Vol. 2: pp. 475-515. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
White, J. C. 1990. The Ban Chiang chronology revised. In Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in
White, J. C. 1990. Ban Chiang and the problem of chronology for the bronze culture of Northeast Thailand. Southern Ethnology and Archaeology 3:15-22 [in Chinese].
White, J. C. 1986. A revision of the chronology of Ban Chiang and its implications for the prehistory of northeast Thailand. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
Hurst, B. J. and B. Lawn. 1984. University of Pennsylvania radiocarbon dates XXII. Radiocarbon 26(2):212-240.
Carriveau, G. W. 1978. Application of thermoluminescence dating techniques to prehistoric metallurgy. In Application of Science in the Dating of Works of Art, edited by W. J. Young, pp. 59-67. The Laboratory, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Gorman, C. F. 1982. A case history: Ban Chiang. Art Research News 1(2):14-16.
Gorman, C. F. 1982. The pillaging of Ban Chiang. Early Man 4(3):28-34.
Higham, C. F. W., A. Kijngam and B. F. J. Manly. 1980. An analysis of prehistoric canid remains from Thailand. Journal of Archaeological Science 7(2):149-165.
Schauffler, W. 1979. Computerized data base management systems in archaeological research: a SELGEM case study. MASCA Journal 1:50-52.
Bangkok Post. 2013. Dwelling on the past: Archaeologist Joyce White talks about her passion for Southeast Asia’s rich prehistory. April 30.
Hamilton, E. 2001. Bronze from Ban Chiang, Thailand: A View from the Laboratory. Expedition 43(2):7-8.
Penny, D. 1999. Pollen grains in sands of time: lake sediments contribute to the archaeology of Thailand. Expedition 41(3):32-36.
Anonymous 1995. Illuminating the past: art and artists of the Ban Chiang Project. Expedition 37(2):53-62.
White, J. C. 1984. A lost bronze age. Natural History 43(11):82-85.
Pfeiffer, J. 1983. At Ban Chiang a lost civilization comes to light. Smithsonian 13(10):98-107.
White, J. C. 1983. Ban Chiang: discovery of a lost bronze age. Archaeology 36:52-55.
Charoenwongsa, P. 1982. Introduction. In Ban Chiang: Discovery of a Lost Bronze Age, edited by J. C. White, pp. 8-11. The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Philadelphia.
Charoenwongsa, P. 1982. Ban Chiang in retrospect: what the expedition means to archaeologists and the Thai public. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
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Hastings, J. 1982. Potsherds into Printouts: The Ban Chiang Computer Project. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
Higham, C. F. W. and A. Kijngam. 1982. Prehistoric man and his environment: evidence from the Ban Chiang faunal remains. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
Lyons, E. and F. Rainey.1982. The road to Ban Chiang: a dialogue of events leading to the University Museum’s participation in the expedition. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
Pietrusewsky, M. 1982. The ancient inhabitants of Ban Chiang: the evidence from the human skeletal and dental remains. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
White, J. C. 1982. Natural history investigations at Ban Chiang. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
White, J. C., L. Kratz, C. Applebaum and D. Wong. 1982. Processing the Ban Chiang finds. Expedition 24(4):13-16.
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Stech Wheeler, T. and R. Maddin 1976. The techniques of the early Thai metalsmith. Expedition 18(4):14-26.

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