Beth Van Horn
Before helping to start up ISEAA in 2013, Beth volunteered with the Ban Chiang Project and the Middle Mekong Archaeological Project(MMAP) for more than 9 years. Beginning in 2009, she was the public outreach manager for MMAP (and now ISEAA), doing a little of everything—writing, exhibit development, marketing collateral, photography, fundraising, to name a few. She was a part of three MMAP seasons in Laos, starting with the first survey year (2005). In 2009, she returned to teach public communication skills during the Luce-funded six-week training session in Luang Prabang for Lao heritage managers. In 2013, she developed a comprehensive bilingual exhibit in Luang Prabang, covering 12 years of MMAP work in Laos. Beth retired from Verizon in 2003, where she was a Senior Product Manager doing new product development/rollouts in the Marketing department.
Beth passed away in 2018, and will be sorely missed.