Winners of the 5th ISEAA Early Career Award

ISEAA is pleased to announce the winners, in this round 2 winners, of the Fifth Round of the ISEAA Early Career Award. Tied for first place are Elle Grono and Yinika Perston in a field of eight applicants!

Elle Grono was recognized for her publication “Microstratigraphy reveals cycles of occupation and abandonment at the mid Holocene coastal site of Thach Lac, northern-central Vietnam” published in Archaeological Research in Asia . Yinika Perston was recognized for “A standardised classification scheme for the Mid-Holocene Toalean artefacts of South Sulawesi, Indonesia” published in PLOS ONE . The committee of distinguished scholars who conducted the evaluation of applications includes co-chairs Grace Barretto-Tesoro and Alison Carter, plus Rintaro Ono, Bérénice Bellina-Pryce, and Nigel Chang. Congratulations to the awardees and deepest thanks to the award committee! Deadline for the next round of the ISEAA Early Career Award is December 1st, 2025.