The Ban Chiang Project Metals Database downloadable data, code sheets, and recording forms
These downloadable data contain all the contextual, metrical, and analytical data from the analysis of 639 metal artifacts, five prills, 103 crucibles and crucible fragments, 20 pieces of slag, and six mold fragments from the prehistoric sites of Ban Chiang, Ban Phak Top, Ban Tong, and Don Klang in northeast Thailand.
The Metals Database presents in a searchable form the provenience and analytical data for all the metal and metal-related (molds, crucibles, and slag) artifacts from these excavations. To download the raw data as comma delimited files to manipulate in your own programs download ‘Zipped comma-delimited metals files. Teh Recording sheets show how the data were collected and categorized, and the code sheets define the field names and the options the coders choose from.
To download zipped files with all the artifact and analytical data, minus images: