Ban Chiang and Non Nok Tha Skeletal Data

These data files contain the metric and non-metric results of the analyses performed by Michael Pietrusewsky and Michele T. Douglas on the skeletal collection excavated in 1973-1974 at Ban Chiang, northeast Thailand. One of the larger, most comprehensively analyzed skeletal series ever excavated in Southeast Asia, the skeletal materials spans the period from 2100 BC to AD 200and include pre-metal, bronze period, and iron period deposits. These data files and code sheets are downloadable.

Non Nok Tha, a cemetery site from the Upper Nam Phong Valley, was excavated in 1966 and 1968. Metric and non-metric analyses of the skeletons were performed by Pietrusewsky and Brooks and Brooks; a re-analysis of both skeletal series was undertaken by Dr. Michele Douglas. The data and recording forms are downloadable.