Wolf, A., Ersek, V., Braun, T. et al. Deciphering local and regional hydroclimate resolves contradicting evidence on the Asian monsoon evolution. Nature Communications 14, 5697 (2023).
Griffiths, M.L., Johnson, K.R., Pausata, F.S.R. et al. End of Green Sahara amplified mid- to late Holocene megadroughts in mainland Southeast Asia. Nature Communications 11, 4204 (2020).
White, Joyce, Naho Shimizu, and Bounheuang Bouasisengpaseuth. Preliminary report on the first archaeological investigations in 2018 at the Old City, near Thakhek, Khammounane Provice, the Lao PDR. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 39:107–111 (2019).
Lewis, H, White, J. C., and Bouasisengpaseuth, B.
2015 A buried jar site and its destruction: Tham An Mah Cave, Luang Prabang Provice, Lao PDR. In Advancing Southeast Asian Archaeology 2013: Selected Papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology edited by Noel Hidalgo Tan, pp. 72-82. SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts, Bangkok, Thailand. Read the pdf.
Marwick, B., White, J. C., and Bouasisengpaseuth, B.
2009 The Middle Mekong Archaeology Project and International Collaboration in Luang Prabang, Laos. SAA Archaeological Record. 9:25-27. Read the pdf
White, J. C., Lewis, H., Bouasisengpaseuth, B., Marwick, B., and Arrell, K.
2009 Archaeological investigations in northern Laos: new contributions to Southeast Asian prehistory. Antiquity. Read the article
White, J. C. and Bouasisengpaseuth, B.
2008 Archaeology of the Middle Mekong: Introduction to the Luang Prabang Exploratory survey. Research Nouvelles sur le Laos, edited by Y. Goudineay and M. Lorrillard. l’École Française d’Extrême Orient, Paris. pp. 37-52.
2007 University Of Pennsylvania Museum (2007, October 26). Filling In The Blanks Of Southeast Asian Prehistory. ScienceDaily. Read the article
Read the 2013 update by Dr. Helen Lewis: Tam An Mah Cave buried jar site, Luang Prabang province, Laos.
Read the Luce Report for more information about the 2011, “Year of Ceramics”.
Read the Report to the Department of Heritage, Laos for more information about the 2010 MMAP Season.
Read the Luce Report for more information about the MMAP 2009 Season.
MMAP team presents papers at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) conference in Hanoi
- Read the abstracts: MMAP Team ABSTRACTS—2009 IPPA Conference, Hanoi
- Read the article by Elizabeth Hamilton: MMAP in Hanoi
MMAP team members traveled to Hanoi in late November 2009, to present papers at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) conference. The IPPAs are the most important conference meetings for Southeast Asianist archaeologists in the world, with over 500 participants. These meetings occur only once every three to four years: the 2009 conference was an important place to report on MMAP progress from the previous 3 years of field work and training seasons.
Nine MMAP team members presented papers: MMAP co-directors Joyce White and Bounheuang Bouasisengpaseuth, Lao team members Phousavanh (Phou) Vorasing, Souksamone (Pong) Sonethongkham and Sengphone Keophanhya, Thai team members Korakot (Kot) Boonlop and Sureeratana (Joom) Bubpha, Ben Marwick (University of Washington)and Helen Lewis (University College Dublin).
Highlights of the IPPA Presentations
In 2010, MMAP marks its tenth year of archaeological research in Laos, and the presentations by the co-directors provided broad views of the MMAP project.
Joyce White gave an overview of MMAP: its history, what it had accomplished so far, and its future plans. She reported that – as of July 2009 – the MMAP surveys had documented 69 archaeological sites in the area around Luang Prabang and had excavated three sites with dates ranging from the end of the Ice Age to the historic period.
Bounheuang Bouasisengpaseuth aimed his talk at archaeologists seeking to work in Laos, discussing the requirements of obtaining excavation permits and MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding) from the Lao government.
Three Lao team members were first-time presenters of scholarly papers, and they built upon their MMAP training in scholarship and public communication and their knowledge of Lao culture to bring special perspectives to the conference.
Phousavanh (Phou) Vorasing, in a talk that received praise from some senior archaeologists at the conference, reported on the results of his ethno-archaeological investigation of shell remains uncovered in three MMAP excavations. Phou studied the shell species found archaeologically, and conducted interviews in the street markets of Luang Prabang with women who collect and sell snails and other shelled species. By doing this, he was able to get an idea of the relative abundance and collecting season of each species found in the prehistoric sites.
Sengphone Keophanhya, who works at the Palace Museum in Luang Prabang, gave a presentation on MMAP and Lao cultural heritage, concentrating on an evaluation of the MMAP training program for Lao cultural heritage staff that took place in early 2009.
Souksamone (Pong) Sonethongkham utilized his 2009 training in rock type identification and stone tool recording to present findings about variations in stone tool cores found in 3 rock shelter sites excavated by MMAP. Using data from the excavated sites, Joyce White and Pong had discovered that there were real differences among MMAP sites in the kind of stone used for core tools—the first time anyone had ever looked at those kinds of distinctions in Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers.
Other MMAP Papers
Korakot (Kot) Boonlop and Sureeratana (Joom) Bubpha co-authored a paper about MMAP as the first implementation in Southeast Asia of true cross-borders scholarship in the Middle Mekong region.
Helen Lewis discussed scholarly issues having to do with choosing the most promising archaeological sites for excavation, based on various criteria such as the shape of a cave and artifacts found at the surface of the cave.
Ben Marwick of the University of Washington reported results of his geoarchaeological analysis of sediments excavated from Tham Sua, the site which MMAP excavated in July 2009. This analysis revealed imporant information about site formation processes and stratigraphic integrity.
Contains archaeological, biological, and vocabulary databases.
The Ban Chiang Project
MMAP hopes to find out if agricultural development upstream in Laos might have been related to that of the Ban Chiang cultural tradition sites downstream. Ban Chiang cultural tradition sites also lie in the middle Mekong basin, but on the opposite bank of the river in northeast Thailand. These sites have been studied for more than three decades. The Ban Chiang tradition has the oldest agricultural societies found in the middle Mekong so far, although the date and source for its beginnings are controversial.
Southeast Asia Scholarly Databases
Contains archaeological, biological, and vocabulary databases.
Downloadable Skeletal Data
Detailed skeletal records of Ban Chiang Data and Non Nok Tha Data.
Metals Database
A searchable database of the provenience and analytical data from the metals and metal-related artifacts from Don Klang, Ban Tong, Ban Chiang, and Ban Phak Top
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Penn Museum’s website highlighting current exhibitions, programming and research.
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