2D, the fourth and final volume of the Metals Monograph, has finally been published March 23, 2022 512 0 This volume contains the catalogs of all the metal and crucible remains from Ban Chiang, Ban Phak Top, Ban Tong, and Don Klang. The catalogs present all the descriptive, contextual, and analytical data, along with drawings of many of the artifacts and photomicrographs of all the metal artifacts examined under the microscope. This is the
Third ISEAA Early Career Award March 23, 2022 710 0 Early Career Award ISEAA launched an award program, the first ever in Southeast Asian Archaeology, in 2015 for Early Career Southeast Asian archaeologists. In the third round of this biennial program, the ISEAA Early Career Award winner for 2020 was Veronica Walker Vadillo. Her paper “A historiography of Angkor’s river network: shifting the research paradigm
2021 ISEAA Newsletter finally in print March 6, 2022 678 0 The first ISEAA newsletter since 2019 has finally appeared, with articles covering the exciting events of the past two years: the completion of the metals monograph and two other major articles, the Friends of Thai Science Award, and the upcoming launch of our new Southeast Asian archaeology Bibliographic Database. Also included is the announcement of
Reviews of the Metals Monograph in Thai February 13, 2022 537 0 The eariliest Thai reviews of the metals monograph 2A-2C have appeared! The first is by Thanik Lertcharnrit of Silpakorn University, in the latest issue of the Journal of Anthropology, published by the Princess Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre. Here’s the link. The second is by Podjanok Kanjanajuntorn in the journal Muang Boran. Here’s the link to
Three more reviews of the Metals Monograph November 30, 2021 563 0 The most detailed review yet of the first three volumes has been published by Anke Hein, a specialist in South China archaeology at Oxford University, in the leading journal Current Anthropology 62(5): 657-667, October 2021. She describes the content of every chapter of the first three volumes. She concludes by writing “Many of the series’
Penn today Q&A with Joyce White and Elizabeth Hamilton November 16, 2021 513 0 Penn Today publishes articles featuring research updates and other accomplishments from faculty, staff, and students. On July 29, 2021 the news hub published a Q&A featuring a conversation with Joyce White and Elizabeth Hamilton about their research and recently-published article in Archaeological Research in Asia. The article, entitled “The metal age of Thailand and Ricardo’s
Announcing three more reviews of the metals monograph October 13, 2021 605 0 Reviews by David Warburton, David Welch, and Bryan Pfaffenberger David Warburton, a specialist in Near Eastern archaeology, has published a review in Antiquity 93(371): 1399-1401, 2019 He writes that “This volume is exceptional as the theses advanced are critically examined, logically presented and evidence driven.” p. 1400. David J. Welch, , a specialist in Thai archaeology y,
Cyler Conrad et al.’s new analysis of Chet Gorman’s excavation finds October 13, 2021 582 0 An example of creative use of legacy collections is Conrad et al.’s Antiquity open access article “Re-evaluating Pleistocene–Holocene occupation of cave sites in north-west Thailand: new radiocarbon and luminescence dating” https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2021.44 . Site sequences of Spirit Cave, Steep Cliff Cave, and Banyan Valley Cave excavated by Chester Gorman in the 1960s and 1970s are re-evaluated
Major article published in Archaeological Research in Asia! September 8, 2021 579 0 In September 2021, Joyce and Elizabeth Hamilton published an article entitled “The metal age of Thailand and Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage” in the journal Archaeological Research in Asia. In it, they argue that, contrary to established theory in Southeast Asia that ties the appearance of copper-base technology to the appearance of elites and top-down
Joyce White Is Given Friend of Thai Science Award July 28, 2021 650 0 Every year, the Office of Science and Technology of the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. selects two recipients for their Friend of Thai Science award. Recipients are selected based on their contributions in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields that “benefit Thailand and humanity for the morale and encouragement of such people.” For
Green Sahara article published! July 28, 2021 507 0 On August 21, 2020, Michael Griffiths et al., including Joyce White, published an article in Nature Communications journal “End of Green Sahara amplified mid- to late Holocene megadroughts in mainland Southeast Asia.” The article reports the existence of a 1,000-year long drought in Southeast Asia that began about 5,000 years ago, around the same time
Penn Today Q&A with Joyce White July 28, 2021 442 0 Penn Today publishes articles featuring research updates and other accomplishments from faculty, staff, and students. On August 21, 2020 the news hub published a feature of Joyce White and her colleagues’ article about the Southeast Asian megadrought, published in Nature Communications journal. The piece includes a Q&A with Joyce White where she discussed more research